
Z WikiSkript


       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "1. Ductus deferens",
       "txt_en": "Ductus deferens",
       "desc_cz": " Ch\u00e1movod je cca 40 cm dlouh\u00fd a 2-3 mm tlust\u00fd kan\u00e1lek. Tvo\u0159\u00ed  pokra\u010dov\u00e1n\u00ed kan\u00e1lku cauda epididymidis a p\u0159i ejakulaci odv\u00e1d\u00ed sperma do mo\u010dov\u00e9 trubice. ",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "1.0. Lumen ductus deferentis",
       "txt_en": "x",
       "desc_cz": "There are two ducts, connecting the left and right epididymis with the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct in order to move sperm. \n\nIn humans, each tube is about 30 centimeters (1 ft) long, 3 to 5 mm in diameter",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.489301",
               "y_rel": "0.851446"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "1.1. Tunica mucosa",
       "txt_en": "Tunica mucosa",
       "desc_cz": "Ductus deferens je vystl\u00e1n epitelem dvou\u0159ad\u00fdm cylindrick\u00fdm se stereociliemi.\n\nLamina propria mucosae je tvo\u0159ena \u0159\u00eddk\u00fdm kolagenn\u00edm vazivem.",
       "desc_en": "its mucosa (pseudostratified epithelium with steriocillia) is slightly folded longitudinally . the duct passes over the urinary bladder where it enlarges as an\n\n ampulla ( ampulla = small bottle) where the epithelium is thicker  and more extensively folded",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.519872",
               "y_rel": "0.834566"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "1.2. Tunica muscularis",
       "txt_en": "1.2. Tunica muscularis",
       "desc_cz": "Tvo\u0159ena t\u0159emi vrstvami hladk\u00e9 svaloviny. Vnit\u0159n\u00ed longitudid\u00e1ln\u00ed, st\u0159edn\u00ed cirkul\u00e1rn\u00ed a vn\u011bj\u0161\u00ed op\u011bt longitudin\u00e1ln\u00ed vrstva.",
       "desc_en": "It consists of three layers of smooth muscle. Inside longitudinal, mid circular and outer again longitudinal layer.",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.394608",
               "y_rel": "0.876632"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "Musculus cremaster internus",
       "txt_en": "Musculus cremaster internus",
       "desc_cz": "P\u0159\u00ed\u010dn\u011b pruhovan\u00e9 svalstvo, kter\u00e9 reguluje vzd\u00e1lenost varlete od t\u011bla - nutn\u00e9 pro optim\u00e1ln\u00ed teplotu k dozr\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed spermi\u00ed.",
       "desc_en": "i n human males, the cremaster muscle is a thin layer of skeletal muscle found in the inguinal canal and scrotum between the external and internal layers of spermatic fascia, surrounding the testis and spermatic cord. The cremaster muscle is a paired structure .",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.171044",
               "y_rel": "0.135103"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "\u0158\u00eddk\u00e9 kolagenn\u00ed vazivo",
       "txt_en": "",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.75513",
               "y_rel": "0.288098"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "V\u00e9na - chlopn\u011b",
       "txt_en": "venous valve",
       "desc_cz": "prevent blood flowback",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "IvaG",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.825067",
               "y_rel": "0.241745"
       "idx": "20130+",
       "txt_cz": "V\u00e9ny pat\u0159\u00edc\u00ed do plexus pampiniformis",
       "txt_en": "pampiniform plexus",
       "desc_cz": "",
       "desc_en": "",
       "insert_who": "Gurka",
       "marks": [
               "shape": "arrow",
               "ori": "down",
               "color": "green",
               "size": "small",
               "x_rel": "0.664705",
               "y_rel": "0.357822"
